La senatrice del Pd Amati presenta due interrogazioni ai ministri Orlando, Poletti e Alfano.
"In Italia ogni anno vengono identificate oltre duemila vittime di tratta, che subiscono le più turpi forme di sfruttamento. Un crimine odioso, che colpisce in particolare i gruppi più vulnerabili e genera ingenti profitti per le reti della criminalità organizzata transnazionale. Eppure le condanne per i trafficanti sono pochissime, come hanno segnalato più volte le autorità italiane, lo Special Rapporteur dell'Onu e il gruppo di esperti del Consiglio d'Europa". Lo afferma la senatrice del Pd Silvana Amati, prima firmataria di due interrogazioni in commissione Giustizia e Lavoro sui temi della tratta di essere umani e dei Minori Stranieri Non Accompagnati (MSNA) irreperibili e a rischio sfruttamento, sottoscritte da oltre venti colleghi.
"Un'inefficacia intollerabile che si intreccia con altre gravi carenze - continua - quando a cadere vittime di queste reti criminali sono minori titolari di particolari diritti e presi in carico dallo Stato. Penso ai tremila MSNA irreperibili e a rischio sfruttamento, drammatica conseguenza della gestione emergenziale di un incremento strutturale dei flussi, che i centri di accoglienza non riescono ad assorbire. Non possiamo lasciare - conclude Amati - che la crisi diventi contesto favorevole per odiose violazioni dei diritti fondamentali".
MSNA irreperibili:
Tratta esseri umani (Rapporto Eurostat - dati Italia e inefficacia azione penale)
Stolen smiles
No man can put a chain about the ankle of his fellow man without at last finding the other end fastened about his own neck. Frederick Douglass
giovedì 30 ottobre 2014
martedì 14 ottobre 2014
lunedì 26 maggio 2014
UNODC expands key legal database to help improve human trafficking convictions
The Human Trafficking Case Law Database is a publicly available global case repository which includes summaries and full court documents of trafficking cases. It serves as an essential resource for criminal justice practitioners and anti-trafficking professionals to consult the different approaches taken in countries to fight human trafficking, and to improve understanding of its trends and patterns.
When launched in October 2011, the database provided information on 250 cases from 28 jurisdictions. As a result of continued cooperation with a broad range of actors, including non-governmental organizations, universities, and commercial law firms, the Human Trafficking Case Law Database has since grown into a truly global collection of cases, and can now better than ever serve its purpose of helping practitioners in their daily work.
When launched in October 2011, the database provided information on 250 cases from 28 jurisdictions. As a result of continued cooperation with a broad range of actors, including non-governmental organizations, universities, and commercial law firms, the Human Trafficking Case Law Database has since grown into a truly global collection of cases, and can now better than ever serve its purpose of helping practitioners in their daily work.
The Human Trafficking Case Law Database still continues to expand, with 50-80 new cases from 10 jurisdictions to be uploaded online in the coming months. The tool is currently available in English, and partially available in Spanish and French. Visit the UNODC Human Trafficking Case Law Database here. For those who wish to contribute new cases, please contact htmss [at]
UNODC Legal database
UNODC expands key legal database to help improve human trafficking convictions:
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giovedì 15 maggio 2014
Shocking Video of the 2013 Lampedusa migrant shipwreck
A shocking
video recorded by the Italian Police during the recovery operations of the 2013
Lampedusa migrant shipwreck has been published on
The wrecked
boat is full of dead bodies. The boat was carrying migrants from Eritrea,
Somalia and Ghana. 366 of them died (41 children), 20 missing and 155
survivors. Each of them had paid three thousand U.S. dollars to the
Watch the video here: Strage di Lampedusa, il video di che mostra il cimitero dei migranti in fondo al mare
lunedì 7 aprile 2014
CEPOL webinar by EU Anti-Trafficking Coordinator
CEPOL webinar by “EU Anti-Trafficking Coordinator”
Raising awareness/ presenting the recent developments related to the implementation of the EU framework as per the multidisciplinary approach.
Law enforcement officers active in the field of THB; staff of civil society organisations active in the field.
SPEAKER: Myria Vassiliadou, EU Anti-Trafficking Coordinator, European Commission
App. duration: 90 minutes
CEPOL public webinar 04/2014 “EU Anti-Trafficking Coordinator”:
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Raising awareness/ presenting the recent developments related to the implementation of the EU framework as per the multidisciplinary approach.
Law enforcement officers active in the field of THB; staff of civil society organisations active in the field.
- Welcome and Housekeeping rules by CEPOL;
- Introduction into the Work of the EU ATC;
- Introduction into the EU Anti-THB Strategy and the THB Directive;
- The importance of cooperation between law enforcement and civil society as per the integrated and multidisciplinary approach;
- Closure of the webinar, Evaluation.
SPEAKER: Myria Vassiliadou, EU Anti-Trafficking Coordinator, European Commission
App. duration: 90 minutes
CEPOL public webinar 04/2014 “EU Anti-Trafficking Coordinator”:
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martedì 25 marzo 2014
Monitori: Human Trafficking in EU and in Finland
Victims of trafficking are difficult to identify, and the problem doesn’t involve only the EU area but is growing also in the Baltic Sea region. The Ombudsman for Minorities, the Special Representative on combating human trafficking, Eva Biaudet and the EU Anti-Trafficking Coordinator Myria Vassiliadou held a seminar on this topic in Helsinki on the 20th of March, 2014.
Monitori: Human Trafficking in EU and in Finland -- ihmiskauppa EU:ssa ja Suomessa - YouTube:
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Targeted Call of expression of interest to participate in the EU Civil Society e-Platform against Trafficking in Human Beings
Targeted Call of expression of interest to participate in the EU Civil Society e-Platform against Trafficking in Human Beings: "Targeted Call of expression of interest to participate in the EU Civil Society e-Platform against Trafficking in Human Beings
The Commission would like to invite civil society organisations working on trafficking in human beings, to express their interest to participate in the EU Civil Society e-Platform against Trafficking in Human Beings."
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The Commission would like to invite civil society organisations working on trafficking in human beings, to express their interest to participate in the EU Civil Society e-Platform against Trafficking in Human Beings."
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